About Us
VXL Patent Illustrators is a full service patent drafting firm, located in Southern California, committed to producing top quality patent drawings cost effectively. We use top-notch computer graphic artists, technical illustrators, and CAD operators to provide an extensive variety of patent drafting services. VXL Patent Illustrators handles all types of patent drawings, including, mechanical, medical, electrical, or biotech drawings.
At VXL Patent Illustrators, quality is our primary goal.
VXL Patent Illustrators provides its client with the highest quality drawings, quickly at a low cost. Our illustrators excel at drawings of all types: mechanical, electrical, charts & graphs, trademarks, etc. with a specialty in utility patents, design patents and computer interface drawings (screen captures).
Our drawings conform to the USPTO and the PCT guidelines. Our Hi-Tech operation allows us to provide service to our clients globally. We customize your drawings as per your instructions and deliver them via email or mail.
VXL Patent Illustrators is supported by a team of professionals having solid academic and professional experiences allowing them to prepare complicated, top quality drawings efficiently.
We have well trained draftspersons with over thirty years of combined drafting experience. All drawings are reviewed for accuracy by managers to ensure finest quality and accuracy